Christian's voice brings to life national campaigns for top brands across television, internet and radio.
From tinkering with Fisher Price toy tape players and carrying around micro-cassette recorders, to experimenting with the latest tech, Christian Rosselli has always been obsessed with audio & photography. A theatrically-trained Actor, his fascination with performing and voice led Christian to New York City, where he worked in film production and casting for several years before breaking into voice over. Hear his voice in national commercial campaigns for top brands, and catch him on radio stations and across streaming platforms, promoting shows and narrating documentaries.
Professional Audio from Anywhere: Christian’s broadcast-ready home studio includes a StudioBricks isolation booth, Neumann TLM102, Neumann TLM103, Sennheiser 416, and Roswell Pro Audio RA microphones, Apogee Symphony interface, Mac Studio, and Adobe Audition / Logic Pro software. Connect for directed sessions using ipDTL, Source Connect, or Zoom.