As many of you know, in addition to loving voiceover, I’m a serious train addict. Marrying the two loves can be a bit of a stretch, from a branding perspective, but I have no trouble devoting equal amounts of time to both. When voiceover and trains collide, I can be seen almost always on the side-lines at stations photographing train life along the Hudson River. Well, this time I put that addiction to test by taking a much anticipated train up to Buffalo NY for the first time. In addition to exploring the historical landmarks, a somewhat chaotic tour of Niagara Falls in the rain, some great bars/restaurants as well as Art Scene, I got the chance to hang out with my MVO brother, Peter K O'Connell, Buffalo’s one and only friendly, neighborhood voice talent.
Peter and I talked for a while about the ever-changing voice over industry, low ball voice seekers, marketing tactics (of which he is a master), Buffalo (not the animal) History, Family, and in-between making jokes and doing impersonations of other voice over artist friends of ours. Afterwards he gave me a brief tour of downtown Buffalo, which I explored over the next couple of days.
Our careers can be so isolating at times that it's good to be reminded that "people" exist.